Colours of Podgorica | Montenegro graphic series

A Series of graphic works 
“Colours of Podgorica” 2024

The idea for this series appeared after another crisis of emigration to a new country. In 2023 my family and I arrived in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. After the first winter I felt very dreary. To pull myself out of the negativity, I had to relearn how to find beauty in everyday things and the places where we’ve chosen to live.

The main idea of the series was to use a dominant color and build a plot around it. To do this, I used a coloured paper background and coloured pencils, which, even with dense shading, showed the main color.

The Millennium bridge
Coloured pencils, watercolour, paper
30х42 cm
Noon in the park
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm
Old Ribnica river bridge
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm
Bratstva I Jedinstva street
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm
The train from Bar-city
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm
The bar under the bridge
Coloured pencils, gouache, paper
21х30 cm